Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Each one of us believes in certain theories which later becomes the principle of our life.
And then we probably live with those principles throughout our life. But do we really evaluate the theories before following them?
Do we ever think what if there is other dark side for the theory/belief? Simple example I had my own theory and believed that “If parents are nice the kids are nice as well”. Yeah it sounds quite right and logically thinking looks true because kids tend to learn from their parents. Well but then what about the terrorists, Gangsters, Killers? I guess at least 50 % of these guys might have had parents who must have been absolutely good and kind human beings. My principle was probably true for 60-70% but then believing in it 100% would be little risky at times. Each act, each belief and each fact has many more other sides. We tend to follow what is easily visible or what probably is convenient to follow. This belief or the principle we follow has a major role in deciding our behavior. How a person behaves/reacts in a given situation depends on the belief/principle he or she has been following in their life. So it important we evaluate, justify, experience and then follow. It may not be right to blindly trust anything or believe something unless we our self experience it.


Quote for today: "The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs"

Monday, August 24, 2009

Passing on

Everyday we pass on something to others. Sometimes frustration, sometimes smiles.
I feel smiles, love, warmth are short lived. They are passed on within a small group but frustrations, anger seem to be going on forever and ever. Somebody takes off his anger on us and we pass it on probably with little more addition to someone else and it travels all over. Well if we can absorb little frustration and stop it from passing it on could help stopping this chain. We built beautiful shock absorbers for our vehicles to reduce the shocks by rough roads then why not we ourselves try and be one such wonderful absorber who can act like cushion and help in reducing little shocks from our life?


Quote for today: "It is hardly possible to build anything if frustration, bitterness and a mood of helplessness prevail."

Thursday, August 20, 2009


We all come to life, more or less get similar education, have certain set of friends, relatives, get married, work, have family and die one day. We all go through the same life cycle and yet each of us has a different life. For some people life is more or less smooth or rather plain while some have too many twists and turns. Wonder if someones plain life could get little spice from someones else little scary experience or someone with too many up and downs in life could find little peace to see someones smooth life. Maybe sharing might help.Lets share our life with someone a little everyday.We never know it could be turning point for someone unknown out there.


Quote for today: "Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact"

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Stupid thoughts

Today as I sit and read about the Data warehouse appliance I wonder of how God has developed the architecture of each living creature on earth. Think about it, every living creature is collecting information, knowledge every single moment of its life and this information is being stored in the most powerful database, the Brain. The input comes from the basic five senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. The raw input is then analysed, transformed and loaded in the brain as a memory.People working in data warehousing know what it takes to perform these 3 simple looking steps of extraction,transformation and loading. Today we are struggling to figure out best architecture to be able to support so much of data and something capable of sorting,storing,analysing,retrieving and performing all at the same time. Ever wondered how much multi-tasking our body does.We are probably sitting on a sofa watching TV,listening to the people sitting around and probably noises from other sources, probably eating chips and talking at the same time. And of course some memories flashing as we see,hear certain topics and probably making a note of the program on TV,the taste of chips in the brain. Wow!!! Can’t just think of any available man-made system which could do all of that same time.I wish god had documented this architecture somewhere and we could just read and implemented the same. I am being the typical IT guy,copy paste simple huh ;)
Single clue and our brain retrieves the incident which probably took place 20-30 years ago within a fraction of second. The architecture of human body is so interesting. Few years back had studied a bit of biology and read about the human body. It seems the 5 sensory organs pass on the information to nerves,which is then transmitted through channel of cells to the brain. Well I get that point. But how is it stored though.They say brain is made up of multiple cells and probably the information is stored there.But I am wondering how many cells would fit in that little brain. I don’t think brain is larger then a ball of 5 cm diameter. Just think of it , I mean hundreds and thousands of words stored in there, so many different sounds stored in brain,different tastes and feelings. Till date I only know man can stored words in the form of documents and sound and use it multiple times.We still cannot store the taste.Nor can we store the feeling. How amazing would it be if we could store the taste and the feeling. I never would had missed the taste of my moms recipes. And just imagine if you could retrieve the feeling of your first job or the feeling of the dearest moment over and over again and again. Cool na.
Well someday we will be able to do that.Maybe we will be able to store just everything and retrieve anything any time and probably will never have to say gone are the times nor will have to struggle for the little moments of happiness. Just retrieve your happy feeling in a continuous loop. I wish I could do that!!